150cm x 230cm x 10cm
Installation (plastic cups, water, dye, coins)
The Vision Generation is a visual representation of a graph showing every country's access to clean drinking water around the world. Made up of almost 1000 plastic cups and 200 litres of water, the large-scale installation aims to send a shocking message of the unbalance in global access to natural resources and the large gap that exists between More Economically Developed Countries and Less Economically Developed Countries. Each cup is filled according to the percentage of the population of that country that have access to clean drinking water.
This installation is interactive. The audience place coins in the half filled cups. As coins are placed in the half filled cups the water level will rise to the top to make the third world even with the first. All the money raised from this work will be donated to World Vision's Clean Water Fund.
If you would like to make further donations please visit http://donate.worldvision.org/