Who make up a heaven of our misery, 2012

Dimensions Variable
Scanned monotype manipulated to digital movie

The body: flesh and spirit, when the two entities of ones self are separated for analysis, it provokes questions of ones existence. Life ultimately ends in death and there is inevitably a search for meaning before it ends. It is from this search that humanity has given birth to ideas of religion and the belief that the spirit extends beyond its existence in a mortal form. Religion however has a fluctuating relationship with society. As humanity has progressed in it's understanding of science, there has been a general shift away from those initial religious responses to the question of one's existence.

Ultimately the destination of the spirit is left to individual interpretation. Whether a religious reasoning is adopted or if one approaches the question from a scientific understanding; the conclusion to the issue is derived for the same reason, to give meaning to life. Although it becomes an issue of personal opinion there are many external factors that influence ones understanding. Your cultural background, the society in which you inhabit, your upbringing; all of these become factors in your belief structure, the concept of nature vs. nurture plays a role as well.

'The Body Spirit' is a response to these questions and a representation of my own experiences as my religious upbringing juxtaposed my own reasoning. My value set is a result of the narrative of my upbringing. The imagery denotes this as the visuals change periodically in a memory-inkblot form. 'The Body Spirit' provides conclusive symbolism for myself, however these forms could provide a variety of individual interpretations and what the viewer derives from it will be based on their own personal experiences, much like their understanding of their spirit.